Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Mid week blues

Well, today was a bit of a fail for one reason or another! On most days we have to train separately because our working hours are so different. So, the day went like this:

Sal - wakes up at 7.30am on a day where she really doesn't need to wake up that early, but she can't sleep! Goes out for her walk - taking the dogs with her. Chimp like van man shouts abuse at her. She decides to go through the park. Bailey disappears into the woods. Stress ensues. 
But despite that, she still manages a good few miles.

Becky - Spends the day at work absolutely knackered. Her body is really not used to this amount of exercise! It takes a small pep talk to herself to take herself out on a walk after work, but she does, and decides to take the dogs. Barely at the end of the road, it becomes apparent that Ruby does not want to go for a walk. Trying not to give herself any excuses to give up and go home, Becky carries on. Ruby still does not want to go for a walk. So the route has to be changed and Ruby has to be taken home, but not before doing a poo in the street. The poo bag that had been in Becky's pocket for weeks, which she kept pulling out by mistake every time she went in her pocket for a pen has suddenly disappeared! Great. So of course that means doing the shifty looking to see if anyone is watching before rapidly walking away from the crime. Throughout this by the way, it is raining. Hair is wet, feet are wet. Just....wet! Once Ruby is dropped home, Becky carries on with Bailey - taking a route that appears to be ALL up hill. Good times. You see since stepping out of the front door, shins have started to hurt quite badly. Nuff said.
Only 2.5 miles done - but almost all uphill which kinda makes up for it.....doesn't it??!

So there you go! We are doing our very very best, but we're going to have bad days. Luckily we're both very determined, and are eager to make this work. 

Anywhoo, apart from that, training is still on the go! :)

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