Tuesday 16 March 2010

Week Four: Walking through life....


Abit of a late blog update this week as we've both been busy with work, catching up with friends and family and rehearsing (yes, you can see us on stage at the Royal Albert Hall in May if you fancy, we're singing in the choir at 'The Night of 1000 Voices' don't cha know...or maybe it should be 'The Night Of 998 voices and 2 girls physically gagging with excitement') 

After having to take last week easy we have eased ourselves back into our training by either doing a couple of miles in a day or spending at least half an hour doing some aerobics (thanks Davina!) 
Feeling much more positive this week which is always nice! 

Last week we were offered a couple of nights accommodation in a hotel in London by one of our lovely supporters, Philippa! Not only has she found us somewhere to say but she, to date, has given us our biggest amount of sponsorship  - she had a bonus from work and thats what she put towards our cause.... what a lovely girl, she gets two gold stars and a thumbs up from us! 

The Falcon Inn in Hatton have also donated a room to us for the first night of our challenge; we are so, so grateful!!  Hatton is a little craft village in Warwick, its absolutely beautiful so it'll be lovely to walk though that way on our travels ...and if you ever want a quiet weekend away from it all, we'd recommend that you book yourself in there!! 

Publicity wise we are doing quite nicely at the moment - we've not been too pushy to date but people have started to show a little bit of interest in what we're doing ; we've had an article published by 'Showandstay.co.uk' - we made 'WestEnd News', can you believe that?! 
That article was then picked up by someone over at Brian May's website and put on...get this...'Queen News'. (.we were excited.com!)

We've also had a mini-phone interview with one of the local papers thanks to another one of our supporters, Jamie, who got in contact with them on our behalf....

In the grand scheme of things, these publications are not the kind that are going to launch us into the lives (and bank accounts) of thousands of people - but come on, BRIAN MAY!! ('s website) 

We're contented walkers! 

Check back next week! 

 Lots of love 

Becky & Sal 
xx xx

Sunday 7 March 2010

Week Three: The oblique week!

We were trying to think about how we could sum this week up. 

After the triumph of a 13 mile walk on Sunday, the week looked like it was off to a brilliant start with both of us putting in extra time and walking extra miles. 

And then it was Tuesday, 'turning point Tuesday' and the rest of the week? The rest of the week can be likened very much to this beautiful moment...

Sal managed to pull her 'oblique' muscles apparently and spent Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in quite alot of pain - however she is pleased to report that she is feeling much better now and it only hurts if she over stretches - which is great when opposed to just when she is breathing, laughing, sitting, standing.... 
(a combination of tripping over Ruby the Westie and doing way, way too many sit ups - upsetting that it was no spectacular walking accident!) 

Becky has been nurse this week and looked after Sal - even though her knee was giving her abit of a gentle reminder to slow down abit on Monday. 

...Last night Ruby, Sals' Westie had an accident in the garden and surpassed both Becky and Sal - she has managed to put one paw out of action and bleed and is still hobbling around on three legs today with a bandage that makes her leg thee times as wide and three times as long as it should be; naughty, bad first aider mummy- drama!

Beckys' dog Bailey, we are pleased to report, is absolutely fit and healthy and ready to walk as many miles as he needs to in the name of charity.

So a far cry from last Sunday when we were getting ready to set out on an incredible journey, this week we are sitting on the sofa watching the 'Hollyoaks' omnibus in preparation for, hopefully, a better week!! 

Lots of Love 

Bex and Sal 
xx           xx